
Tea Ceremony

Dive into the serene world of Cha Dao, also known as "The Way of Tea," an ancient tradition originating from China. Through this timeless practice, we discover the profound essence of tea as more than just a beverage—it is a conduit to nature's wisdom and a healer of mind, body, and spirit.

In the sacred space of a traditional tea ceremony, tea transcends its role as a mere drink. It becomes a revered teacher, a gentle spirit of nature, and a catalyst for inner reflection and peace. Join us as we explore the transformative power of tea.

I offer two styles of tea ceremony

Cha Dao, traditional Chinese bowl tea ceremony: Immerse yourself in the beauty of shared presence and heartfelt connection as you partake in a bowl tea ceremony with sidehandle teapot. Whether alone, with loved ones, or in a group setting, each ceremony unfolds over 1-2 serene hours, offering a sanctuary for introspection and tranquility. This ceremony comes from the teachings of Wu De of Global Tea Hut.

Bonderyakutemae, a traditional method of serving Japanese matcha in ceremony for individuals or small groups.